FUE Treatment Time By Dr. Raymond Konior on November 23, 2018

FUE treatment for hair lossWhile there are a number of hair transplant and replacement procedures to consider, follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a great hair restoration surgery option. We at Chicago Hair Institute have helped numerous patients achieve a fuller, healthier head of hair thanks to FUE, leading to high levels of satisfaction and excellent final results.

A number of patients at our Chicago, IL hair restoration center ask us how long FUE takes from beginning to end. Dr. Raymond Konior would like to go over some of the basics regarding the timeframe and timeline of FUE treatment.

How FUE Works

Before we discuss time, let’s cover the basics of the FUE procedure. This will help give you some perspective about the surgical process and and its impact on recovery.

During FUE, a hair transplant surgeon extracts individual follicles and follicular units of hair from the back and sides of the head. These donor follicles are then transferred to the bald portions of the scalp.

How Long Is the FUE Procedure Itself?

The exact amount of time to place all of the follicles needed can vary based on the extent of balding and the number of follicular units needed. When only a few follicular units are required, the entire surgery can be done in one session in just a few hours. However, for extensive balding, multiple sessions over a few days may be necessary. During these sessions, thousands of grafts can be placed and properly positioned for optimal appearance. A single multi-hour surgical session can also be performed.

We can discuss the number of surgeries you’ll need and approximate surgery time during an in-office consultation.

FUE Post-Op Recovery

Because of the surgical technique, FUE recovery is generally pretty quick, requiring only a week. This is because hair restoration surgeons only take follicular units as needed, leaving only tiny scars on the scalp the size of the follicles. This different from follicular unit transplantation (FUT), in which a strip of donor follicles is harvested rather than individual follicles.

Temporary Hair Loss After FUE

After hair transplant surgery, it’s not uncommon for patients to experience temporary hair loss. As antithetical as this sounds, this is the body’s normal response to this surgical procedure. The hair follicle is intact even if the hair is gone.

This temporary hair loss tends to occur during the first month or month-and-a-half after hair transplant surgery.

When Does My Hair Grow Back?

Patients should notice hair regrowth by around the fourth month after FUE. This hair that grows in will usually be finer and thinner than the hair that will eventually grow from the follicle. As time passes, the hair will thicken and improve in color.

Keep in mind that each patient is different and may experience different rates of recovery and hair regrowth. We will be sure to monitor these matters during follow-up visits to our practice.

When Will I See the Final Results of FUE?

Patients should see the final results of their FUE procedure between 12 to 18 months after their surgery. Hair may continue to thicken and improve during this time, but overall coverage, quality, and density of the hair should be apparent by the end of that first year.

Learn More About Hair Restoration Treatment

For more information about hair transplant surgery and how it can help address balding and thinning, be sure to contact our team of hair restoration specialists. The team at Chicago Hair Institute is here to help you. You can reach our team by phone at (630) 932-9690.

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Dr. Raymond J. Konior, MD, FACS

Chicago Hair Institute

Dr. Raymond J. Konior and the team at the Chicago Hair Institute offer world-class treatment backed by over 30 years of expertise in the field of hair restoration. Our doctors are nationally affiliated with professional associations including:

  • American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery
  • International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
  • American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

To learn more or to schedule an appointment at our Chicago, IL, hair restoration clinic, contact us online or call (630) 932-9690.

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