Chicago Hair Institute

FUE Frontal Hair Transplant

Jun 24, 2020 @ 08:38 PM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Fue Hair Transplant

Hair loss can occur in several different patterns. If you have experienced hair loss near the front of the hairline, follicular unit extraction (FUE) could be a viable solution for you. 

At the Chicago Hair Institute, Dr. Raymond Konior performs FUE frontal hair transplants so patients can restore their appearance and confidence with the most natural-looking results possible. In this informative article, our Chicago, IL, team will discuss FUE for frontal hair loss and explore candidacy considerations, the recovery timeline, and more.

Hair Loss Patterns in Men vs. Women

Both men and women suffer from hair loss. Women typically show signs of hair loss at the top of the head, near the natural part. However, there are some instances in which women may experience hair loss at the front of the hair line. On the other hand, it is quite common for men to show signs of hair loss at the front and near the crown.

Depending on the pattern of hair loss, FUE frontal hair transplants can be beneficial for both men and women. During a consultation at our Chicago practice, our doctors can help you weigh your treatment options.

The FUE Process

FUE is different from traditional hair transplants. Instead of taking a strip of hair from a donor area, each individual follicle is removed using a specialized machine. Hair is taken from an area with plenty of healthy hair, and is transplanted to the recipient region. The result is natural-looking hair growth in the treated areas.

Frontal Hair Loss and FUE

Patients with predominantly frontal hair loss can often benefit from FUE. In fact, necessary grafts can typically be obtained in a single office visit. Individual follicle grafts are then implanted to the deficient areas using sophisticated methods. Due to the techniques used during FUE, patients can achieve a look that is virtually indistinguishable from natural hair growth. 

Exploring Your Candidacy

To qualify for a FUE frontal hair transplant procedure, patients must have hair loss near the front and desire to regrow a healthy, natural-looking head of hair. Candidates must have sufficient hair dentistry in the donor area of the scalp. Finally, individuals considering this treatment must not have any medical conditions that would impede proper healing or make surgery a risk.

FUE Frontal Hair Transplant Results

In most cases, FUE offers remarkable results. Due to advances in hair restoration technology, patients can enjoy truly natural-looking outcomes and a lush, full head of hair. When you restore thinning hair at the front of the hairline, you can expect to look younger and feel more confident.

How Can I Know If FUE Is Right for Me?

The only way to know if a FUE frontal hair transplant is right for you is to schedule a consultation with a hair restoration specialist. Our experienced, board-certified physician, Dr. Konior, can help you determine the cause of your hair loss and recommend an appropriate treatment to address it.

Contact Our Practice for More Information

If you would like to learn more about FUE, or any of the other hair restoration services we provide, schedule an appointment at our Chicago, IL, practice. Call us at (630) 932-9690 or contact us online anytime.