Chicago Hair Institute

Are You a Candidate for Bulbous Tip Rhinoplasty?

Apr 18, 2020 @ 03:19 PM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Bulbous Tip Rhinoplasty Wide Nose Rhinoplasty Bulbous Tip Rhinoplasty

Does the appearance of your nose make you feel insecure? Considering how prominent a feature noses are, it’s no wonder that rhinoplasty remains a popular cosmetic treatment in this country. The customizable procedure reshapes certain parts of the nose to deliver more harmonious cosmetic results.

Many of Dr. Sahar Nadimi’s patients at our Chicago, IL, practice seek rhinoplasty as a means of reducing the size of the tip of their nose. Bulbous tip rhinoplasty is a safe and effective procedure that can bring the size and shape of your nose into better harmony with the rest of your face.

Do I Have a Bulbous Tip?

For many people, the ideal shape of a nose includes a slender nose tip that is more or less triangular in shape. When the tip of the nose is round or wide, the nose begins to lack shape and definition. Common phrases rhinoplasty candidates use to describe their nose include “too wide,” “too big,” and “too round.” Even modest rounding at the end of the nose can be considered cosmetically displeasing.

Poor cartilage strength, poorly defined hypertrophic lower lateral cartilages, and excess soft tissue coverage can lead to the appearance of a bulbous tip. If you live in or around Chicago and feel insecure about the shape or size of your nose, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nadimi to see if rhinoplasty is a good option for you.

How Can Rhinoplasty Reshape My Nose?

Your bulbous tip rhinoplasty will be customized to treat the underlying cause of your nasal malformations. Once the structural causes of your bulbous tip are fully understood, Dr. Nadimi will reconfigure the cartilage that shapes the nasal tip. Special suturing techniques or cartilage grafting may also be used.

No matter which surgical techniques are used, Dr. Nadimi will seek surgical options that are conservative and produce minimally scarring. Rhinoplasty is one of the least invasive cosmetic treatment options available. If our patients have any regrets, it’s usually that they did not seek the treatment sooner.

Will My Treatment Require Open or Closed Rhinoplasty?

Your rhinoplasty will use one of two surgical techniques: open or closed. Open rhinoplasty requires that an incision to be made along the fleshy barrier that separates the two nostrils so Dr. Nadimi can gain greater access to the inner structure of the nose. The resulting scar is hardly noticeable because it will lie along a natural fold of skin between the nose and upper lip.

Some of our Chicago patients may be candidates for closed rhinoplasty. This surgical technique uses incisions that are made inside the nose. The main benefit of this approach is that no visible scars are left. The surgical option is more restrictive, so significant cosmetic alterations may not be possible using this technique.

Schedule Your Rhinoplasty Consultation Today

A slender, more triangular nose tip can help your face appear more attractive and better proportioned. Learn more about your options by scheduling a cosmetic consultation at our office. You can reach our team by contacting Chicago Hair Institute online or calling (630) 932-9690.