Chicago Hair Institute

Common Side Effects after Rhinoplasty

Feb 10, 2020 @ 12:47 PM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty

As with any surgery, patients who undergo rhinoplasty surgery at our Chicago, IL, practice may experience minor side effects. While these side effects can be unpleasant, steps can be taken to lower your symptoms following surgery.

Dr. Sahar Nadimi is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon and hair restoration specialist who will take great care when performing your rhinoplasty so you can enjoy a healthy and speedy recovery. She specializes in providing personalized services that are individually tailored to meet the needs and personal goals of her patients. Here, you can learn more about rhinoplasty side effects.

Recovery Period after Rhinoplasty

Recovery time following rhinoplasty varies from patient to patient. Some patients may want to take up to two weeks off work while they recover. With the approval of Dr. Nadimi, normal activities may be resumed around one month following surgery.

Bruising and Swelling

You can expect bruising and swelling around the eyes soon after surgery.


Mild to moderate discomfort is to be expected in the days following surgery. This is the result of the surgical procedure and splint. You will wear a protective splint that should be worn for one week following your procedure. Some of the sensations of pressure may come from packing that is placed to control bleeding following surgery. Dr. Nadimi will recommend over-the-counter pain medications or other pain-relieving options.

Once the packing is removed (typically two days after surgery), patients should experience further relief. Most discomfort should fully recede by a week or two after surgery. If you experience an unexpected increase in pain at any point during your recovery, let someone at our office know immediately.

The Side Effects Timeline

Most patients will notice that their side effects noticeably dissipate by a week or two after recovery. Moderate swelling and bruising may be visible for up to two weeks following surgery. Your final cosmetic results may not be realized until your nose fully heals, which can take up to six months.

Tips for Reducing Side Effect Symptoms

Following your procedure, you will be given detailed recovery guidelines that will include tips that can reduce swelling and bruising. Advice that can help you minimize side effects following surgery include:

Schedule Your Rhinoplasty Today

Side effects following rhinoplasty are generally mild and largely resolve within three days. One way to ensure that your side effects are minimal is to work with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Dr. Nadimi is double board-certified and provides personalized services that are individually tailored to meet the needs and desires of each specific patient. To schedule your rhinoplasty, please contact our office online or call (630) 932-9690.