Chicago Hair Institute

Lower Eyelid Surgery for Under Eye Circles

Jan 10, 2020 @ 12:58 PM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery

A person’s eyes are the windows to the soul, or so they say. Unfortunately signs of aging can send out an undesired message. Dark circles, loose skin, and puffy bags can all make a person look older and worn down.

For people dealing with bags, eyelid surgery for under eye circles may be the answer. Dr. Sahar Nadimi can perform eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, to eliminate excess fat and tissues from the upper or lower eyelids, reduce signs of aging, and revitalize the appearance of our Chicago, IL, patients.

What Causes Under Eye Circles?

There is a common misconception that under eye circles are caused by a lack of sleep. Get a few extra hours of sleep each night and bags will no longer be a concern, right? Unfortunately, that isn’t quite accurate. While a late night may cause the under eye area to look dull and the eyes, in general, to look more tired, consistent circles and bags cannot be eliminated by a good night’s sleep.

Under eye circles and bags are actually one of the first signs of aging. They are caused by diminished skin elasticity and extra deposits of fat beneath the eye. As a person ages and the skin is continually exposed to harsh environmental elements, depleted collagen is likely to result in loose, saggy skin. The eyes are just the first to develop these signs of aging because the skin in that area is thinner and more delicate.

The Blepharoplasty Procedure

Lower eyelid surgery offers the most effective treatment for under eye circles. Lower eyelid surgery permanently eliminates fat deposits and excess skin to create a smoother, firmer appearance beneath the eyes.

Blepharoplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning our Chicago patients will not require an overnight stay after surgery. Dr. Nadimi will administer appropriate anesthesia before starting treatment, so our patients will remain completely comfortable throughout their procedure.

When anesthesia has taken effect, Dr. Nadimi will make a small incision along the lower eyelid. This incision may be made either inside the lower eyelid or just below the lash line. In either case, any remaining scar should be well hidden once the patient has recovered. Through this incision, Dr. Nadimi will remove excess skin and any pockets of fat. When the appropriate alterations have been made, remaining skin will be lifted and the incision will be closed. The entire lower eyelid procedure should be completed in less than two hours.


Eyelid surgery is minimally invasive, so the recovery period is shorter than that of many other cosmetic facial procedures. Still, our Chicago patients should anticipate at least a week off of work so that they have time to rest, recover, and let surgical side effects subside.

The most common side effects of blepharoplasty include inflammation, bruising, and discomfort. Once these side effects dissipate, patients will begin to notice that their under eye area looks smoother and firmer, which will promote a more refreshed appearance overall.

Contact Us

Blepharoplasty can lift sagging skin to give you a more alert and youthful appearance. If you are interested in finding out if you are an ideal candidate for eyelid surgery, call (630) 932-9690 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sahar Nadimi at your earliest convenience.