Chicago Hair Institute

Can I Drink Alcohol after FUE Hair Transplant Surgery?

Jul 4, 2019 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Fue

Follicular unit extraction, or FUE hair transplant surgery, is a method that allows individual follicular units to be collected from a donor site and transplanted to areas of the scalp in which hair loss has occurred.

To promote successful healing after the FUE procedure at Chicago Hair Institute, patients need to follow pre- and post-op care instructions. One instruction that many patients have questions about is the recommendation to refrain from drinking alcohol.

Here, our surgeons discuss the effects of drinking alcohol after FUE hair transplant. In addition, we provide our Chicago, IL patients with specific recommendations regarding how long alcohol should be avoided.

How Does Alcohol Affect Surgical Recovery?

All of the pre- and post-up care instructions that we provide our patients are intended to maximize the chance of a successful hair transplant treatment and a smooth recovery. It may not be a lot of fun to avoid alcohol following FUE hair transplant surgery, but it can be greatly beneficial in reducing the risk of surgical complications.

Alcohol is known to thin the blood. If the blood is thin, patients are more likely to bleed during the procedure and the recovery period. Excessive bleeding can actually interfere with the transplant procedure and compromise the overall success of treatment.

If a patient continues to experience bleeding after the hair transplant procedure, the recovery will be lengthier as well. Unfortunately, a prolonged recovery can increase the risk of post-surgical complications, including infection.

Patients can reduce the risk of excessive bleeding and other complications by refraining from consuming before and after their FUE transplant.

How Long Should I Avoid Alcohol?

We recommend that our Chicago patients give up alcohol for at least two weeks before the FUE procedure. Two weeks should give the body time to fully process any alcohol in the system and allow blood pressure to return to normal. This two-week window can drastically reduce the risk of excessive bleeding before and after surgery.

After patients have undergone the hair transplant procedure, they should continue to avoid alcohol while the body recovers from treatment. Our surgeons typically suggest that patients refrain from drinking alcohol for at least a few weeks after treatment. When patients do begin drinking again, they should start off slow, so that alcohol does not interfere with the hair follicles’ continued healing process.

Stay Hydrated

Although alcohol is not a good choice before and after FUE hair transplant, it is important that patients stay hydrated. Any alcoholic beverages should be replaced with healthy alternatives. Water is the best option before surgery, but tea, juice, and sports drinks can also help patients avoid dehydration before and after surgery.

Contact Us

FUE is a popular technique because it results in minimal scarring and is ideal for patients who prefer to keep their hair especially short. It also requires a shorter recovery period than other hair transplant techniques.

At Chicago Hair Institute, our doctors offer a number of solutions for hair loss. To learn more about FUE or our other hair loss treatments, contact us at your earliest convenience. You can also call (630) 932-9690 to set up a personal consultation with one of our experienced surgeons.