Chicago Hair Institute

Shampooing After Hair Transplant Surgery

Apr 3, 2019 @ 03:00 PM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Hair Restoration Hair Transplant Hair Loss

Dr. Raymond Konior and Dr. Sahar Nadimi offer the people of Chicago, IL the latest in surgical hair loss treatment, including FUE (follicular unit extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transplantation). Both men and women who suffer from hair loss or hair thinning have benefited from the procedures we perform.

Knowing the aftercare process is part of patient satisfaction and great outcomes. With that in mind, the Chicago Hair Institute would like to cover some basic shampooing instructions for hair transplant patients. These are general rules that we can customized and adjust depending on your surgery and your needs.

Avoid Washing Hair for at Least the First 24 Hours

In order to protect the newly transplanted follicles in the crucial first stages of recovery, patients should avoid washing their hair for at least the first 24 hours after their procedure has been performed. Timeframes may be longer depending on the surgical procedure and your surgeon’s discretion.

This precaution is to ensure that the grafts are not dislodged and that they are able to remain undisturbed in your scalp. Washing your hair too early can have a negative impact on the final outcome of treatment.

Stay Out of the Shower at First

The spray of a shower can have a negative impact on the transplanted follicles on your scalp. Stay away from the shower for the first few days after surgery, and wash with sponge baths or normal baths instead. You may want to continue avoiding the shower a few days longer if your showerhead does not have a gentle setting.

Use a Mild Baby Shampoo

Once you are allowed to wash your hair, it’s important that you use the shampoo recommended by our hair restoration team. For most patients this typically means a mild baby shampoo, while other patients may have another shampoo recommended or provided.

These mild shampoos will help clean your hair and make sure the surgical site is clean without irritating the scalp or the newly placed follicles.

Instructions for Initial Days of Washing Hair

For most hair restoration patients, we recommend using the cup-method for washing the hair.

First, fill a cup with warm water. Add just a few drops of the shampoo and mix it in the cup with your fingers. When the water and shampoo is mixed, gently pour the mixture over your hair. Use delicate pressure as you work the shampoo through your hair, careful not to rub the new follicles or the donor site too hard. Do not use any pulling motions while cleaning your hair.

Once the shampooing is through, fill your cup with clean warm water and rinse the suds out. Repeat until your hair is free from shampoo. Allow your hair to air dry rather than using a towel.

You’ll want to use this method of cleaning your hair for at least the second through fourth day after your surgery.

Shampooing Your Hair a Week to Two Weeks After Surgery

By the fifth day or so, patients should be able to return to shampooing as normal, which means applying shampoo directly into the hands, rubbing to create a lather, and applying the lather directly to the hair. Again, this can vary from patient to patient. Avoid massaging the scalp as you shampoo, and continue to apply gently pressure to ensure the scalp and hair is properly cleaned.

By the end of the first week after surgery, you should be able to return to shampooing your hair as you normally did. You may receive some instructions on how to carefully massage your scalp to promote healing and proper hair growth.

Avoid Picking at Scabs

Whatever you do as you’re caring for your hair after surgery, never pick the scabs. These will fall out on their own. Picking scabs can ruin the final results of the hair restoration procedure, and increase the risk of complications.

Learn More About Hair Restoration Treatment

To learn more about hair transplant surgery and your best options for proper aftercare and long-term success in treatment, be sure to contact an experienced hair restoration surgeon. The Chicago Hair Institute team is here to help. You can reach our practice by phone at (630) 932-9690.