Chicago Hair Institute

Can I Dye My Hair after Hair Transplant Surgery?

Mar 19, 2019 @ 02:15 PM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Hair Transplants

At Chicago Hair Institute, patients preparing for surgical hair loss treatment often have several questions about recovery. One of the most common questions patients want to know is if they can dye their hair after hair transplant surgery. Today, our Chicago, IL team answers this question and offers tips for optimizing your hair restoration results.

Dyeing Hair before Hair Transplant Surgery

Many of our hair transplant patients have dyed their hair for many years. Fortunately, there is really no harm in coloring your hair prior to your surgical hair loss treatment.

However, because many hair dyes can darken the scalp for a few days, we recommend dying your hair a few days before your appointment. By doing so, the donor and receptor sites can be fully visible when making incisions.

Furthermore, dyeing your hair a few days prior to your surgery will give you a good window of time before you will need to do it again.

Dyeing Hair after Transplant Surgery

Following hair transplant surgery, the scalp is far more sensitive; and because every patient is unique, healing times can vary significantly for each individual. To reduce irritation and avoid complications during recovery, we recommend waiting at least four to six weeks to color your hair. All incisions should be fully closed before dying your hair.

Moreover, it is a good idea to have your hair dyed at a professional salon, even if you typically do it at home. A skilled stylist will be able to choose a product and color to complement your hair type and preferences.

If you still prefer to color your hair at home, be sure to perform a patch test first to reduce the risk of allergic reactions. No matter what product you choose, be sure to follow the directions precisely to avoid complications.

What Hair Dye Does to Transplanted Follicles

Hair dyes contain a wide range of harsh chemicals, including peroxides and bleaching agents. These substances can cause damage to the scalp and follicles if you dye your hair too soon after surgery. Therefore, when it comes to determining how long to wait before dyeing your hair, it is better to err on the side of caution.

Additionally, our doctors typically recommend waiting at least a month before using styling products, blow driers, and straighteners. While newly grafted hair is stronger and more resilient, the follicles still need time to heal appropriately.

Facts about Dyeing Your Hair after Hair Transplant Surgery

If you are considering surgical hair restoration, it is important to gather all the information you can about aftercare and maintenance. Here are a few facts about dyeing your hair after a hair transplant:

Contact Chicago Hair Institute Today

To learn more about surgical hair loss treatment, schedule a consultation at our practice. You can contact us online anytime or give us a call at (630) 932-9690.