Chicago Hair Institute

Seven Habits That Can Cause Hair Loss

Mar 4, 2019 @ 01:21 PM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Hair Loss

Moderate hair loss (100 to 125 hairs per day) is a natural part of your body’s shedding process. When excessive hair loss is observed, there can be several contributing factors.

At Chicago Hair Institute in Chicago, IL, we employ advanced techniques to determine the underlying cause of your hair loss while recommending surgical hair loss solutions if needed. Patients travel from across the country and even farther to work with Dr. Konior. Our clinic has a reputation for providing specialized, comprehensive services.

In this blog post, we discuss seven bad habits that can cause hair loss.

When Does Hair Loss Occur?

Certain amounts of hair loss due to age and genetics are unavoidable. Around 40 percent of men experience visible hair loss by the age of 35, for example. By age 60, that number increases to 65 percent.

While hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, genetics, and even stress can influence hairlines, avoiding these seven habits can help you avoid unnecessary shedding.

1. Poor Nutrition

When nutrients are scarce, your body will prioritize vital organs and essential functions over growing hair. Consuming a protein-rich, balanced diet that meets your caloric needs is one way to ensure that your body never has to choose between supporting follicle growth or keeping your body healthy.

2. Certain Prescription Drugs

Taking medications isn’t always avoidable, but you should be aware that some prescription drugs can interfere with hair growth and retention. Your doctor can advise you and possibly prescribe alternatives that will not affect your hair.

3. Hot Showers

Heat is not your hair’s best friend. Hot water dehydrates strands, leaving them dry and brittle. Excessively long showers can also leach out vital oils and strip the scalp of nourishment.

If your shower drains are often clogged with hairs, consider taking shorter showers or even baths. One way to transform your showers into a healthy experience for your hair is to invest in quality shampoos and conditioners.

4. Tight Hairstyles

No one hairstyle is going to spell doom for your strands. Over time, though, excessive tension from tight hairstyles can result in traction alopecia, a condition that weakens your hair follicles and impedes natural hair growth.

Sharing your concerns over damaging hairstyles with your hairdresser is one way to start a meaningful conversation that can prevent traction alopecia.

5. Excessive Use of Hair Products

Certain hair products that contain alcohol and other caustic chemicals can permanently damage hair strands.

6. Overexposure to Heat

Excessive heat deprives hair of moisture and leaves strands brittle and dry. When blow drying, avoid higher settings when possible. Wearing a hat or scarf during summer outings can similarly protect your hair from damaging heat. 

7. Mishandling Wet Hair

Wet hair is more vulnerable to breaking than dry hair. After showering or bathing, gently dry hair and avoid aggressive combing.

Contact Chicago Hair Institute

If you avoid these habits but are still experiencing hair loss, our doctors are here to help. Dr. Konior has more than 20 years of hair transplant experience. Dr. Sahar Nadimi is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon and hair restoration doctor.

To learn more about our specialized treatments, contact Chicago Hair Institute online or call us at (630) 932-9690.