Chicago Hair Institute

The Best Vitamins for Hair Loss and Thicker Hair

Feb 18, 2019 @ 12:05 PM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Hair Loss Nutrition Hair Thinning

You are what you eat, or so the old adage goes. It’s surprisingly true. If you eat healthy and maintain a balanced diet, you are likely to have a fuller, healthier head of hair. This is why Dr. Raymond J. Konior and Dr. Sahar Nadimi always stress the importance of diet after patients undergo surgical hair restoration and non-surgical hair loss treatment. The emphasis on total wellness is what has made us a leading hair center in the Chicago, IL area.

The team at Chicago Hair Institute would like to consider some essential vitamins and minerals for the health and fullness of your hair. Consider the following below if you are experiencing hair loss or have undergone a hair restoration procedure. It’s helpful for everyone.


First things first, let’s emphasize the importance of protein in your diet. Your hair is made of protein, and severe protein deficiencies can lead to hair loss and brittle hair. You don’t need to go overboard with your protein needs. The average sedentary male needs about 56 grams of protein a day, and the average sedentary woman needs about 46 grams of protein a day. Be sure to up your protein intake if you are more active.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for cellular growth. It also helps the skin produce a substance known as sebum, which moisturizes the scalp and keeps your hair healthy as well. Try to eat foods rich in beta-carotene, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, and spinach.


B-vitamins such as biotin are essential for proper hair growth and health. Other B-vitamins are helpful in transferring oxygen through the blood to the scalp, which is important for promoting hair growth. B-vitamins are plentiful in foods such as whole grains, leafy greens, almonds, fish, and meats.

Vitamin C

As you age, damage from free radicals can contribute to hair loss or poor hair quality. Vitamin C helps prevent free radical damage, and can also aid in the production of collagen, which is part of the structure of the hair. For vitamin C, consider guavas, citrus fruits, strawberries, and papayas.

Vitamin D

Studies have found the vitamin D deficiency is sometimes linked to hair loss and hair thinning. The exact role of vitamin D in hair growth is still being researched, but its important to general wellness should not be overlooked. The body will produce vitamin D from sun exposure. Good food sources of vitamin D include fatty fish and certain mushrooms.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another important antioxidant that helps prevent damage from free radicals. Some studies are found increased hair growth when patients improve their daily intake of vitamin E. Good sources of vitamin E include spinach, sunflower seeds, avocados, and almonds.


Iron is essential for helping the red blood cells carry oxygen in the bloodstream. Iron deficiencies can lead to anemia, which can in turn result in hair thinning and loss. Good sources of iron include spinach, eggs, lentils, red meat, oysters, and clams.


Zine helps the oil glands around the hair follicles function properly, and it is essential for healthy hair growth and repair. Too much zinc in your diet could lead to hair loss, however. That said, some ideal and safe sources of zinc include lentils, spinach, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, oysters, and beef.

Should I Take Supplements?

Supplements should be considered if you are not able to incorporate enough healthy and nutrient rich foods into your diet. Perhaps consider a daily vitamin, but consult your doctor before considering use of a vitamin or mineral-specific supplement.

Learn More About Improving Your Hair’s Health

To learn more about treating hair loss and improving the quality of the hair you have, be sure to contact an experienced hair restoration surgeon. The team at Chicago Hair Institute is here to help. You can reach us by phone at (630) 932-9690.