Chicago Hair Institute

FUE Combined with Daily Medication to Prevent Hair Loss

Jan 16, 2019 @ 12:30 PM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Fue

Hair loss is common. By the time men and women reach the age of 50, about half will suffer from some degree of hair loss, often due to genetics.

At the Chicago Hair Institute, we offer FUE, or follicular unit extraction to restore healthy hair growth using your own hair follicles. FUE combined with daily medication to prevent hair loss may be all you need to restore hair growth and prevent further hair loss. Contact our Chicago, IL practice to learn more.

Should I Take Daily Hair Loss Medications after FUE?

We may prescribe minoxidil (Rogaine) or finasteride (Propecia) to encourage hair regrowth after your FUE procedure and prevent additional hair loss. We will discuss the use of daily medications, and the role they may play in your FUE aftercare treatment plan, during your initial consultation at our practice.

How Does FUE Work?

FUE is the process of obtaining one or more hair follicles and transplanting them in a different location.

To begin, we will cut the patient’s hair short enough to view the scalp. The doctor can then accurately find the growing angle of each follicular unit.

Then, hairs are removed from the scalp (typically from the back of the scalp away from the face) with a cylinder-shaped tool. Since each individual hair follicle must be harvested, it takes time before enough follicles are gathered.

The doctor then transplants the follicles back into the scalp in the area of hair loss, and if successful, hair follicles will grow as normal in their new location.

Who Is a Good Candidate for FUE?

Dr. Konior and Dr. Nadimi can determine if you are a good candidate for FUE, based on your particular type of hair loss, your lifestyle, health, and expectations.

Generally, FUE is a good treatment option for patients who:

Advantages of FUE Treatment

FUE was developed to reduce the amount of scarring that typically comes with traditional strip harvesting. With FUE, small, round scars are much easier to conceal under hair growth than traditional lateral scars associated with strip harvesting.

In addition, FUE offers:

Looking for Hair Restoration?

If you are suffering from a loss of confidence due to hair loss, schedule a consultation at our practice. Dr. Konior and Dr. Nadimi can determine if FUE or another hair restoration technique is right for you. Call our office at (630) 932-9690.