Chicago Hair Institute

Hair Transplants for Curly vs. Straight Hair

Aug 12, 2018 @ 11:35 AM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Hair Restoration Hair Transplant Surgery Fue Fut

Modern advances in surgical hair loss treatment have allowed so many people to have a full and healthy head of hair again. We take great pride in the results we achieve at our Chicago, IL hair transplant clinic. An important part of good outcomes is tailoring each surgery to the needs of the patient.

A patient’s hair can have a major impact on the most ideal surgical option to consider. Right now, we want to look at how having straight hair and curly hair can affect the hair transplant procedure.

Hair Restoration Surgery Techniques

When performing hair transplantation, there are two kinds of techniques that are most commonly used today:

As you’re about to read, the type of surgical technique can matter a great deal when it comes to your type of hair and the overall results of surgery.

Restoration for People with Straight Hair

When performing hair restoration on people with straight hair, FUE is generally considered a better option. Harvesting the individual follicles from patients with straight hair is much easier compared to patients who have curly hair.

The one drawback to keep in mind is that FUE can take longer to perform. That said, the minimally invasive nature of FUE tends to make it a more appealing option to many patients.

Restoration for People with Curly Hair

For people with curly hair, FUT tends to be a more ideal surgical method. It can be easier to harvest a strip of scalp tissue rather than removing individual hair follicles. For patients with curly hair, FUE can be more challenging and time consuming.

The major advantage of undergoing FUT is that the procedure takes far less time than FUE. While there is a strip of harvested scalp tissue, this strip heals well and the scar is concealed by the hair of the donor area.

Tailoring Treatment to Meet Your Needs

Keep in mind that the above distinctions about FUE for people with straight hair and FUT for people with curly hair are broad generalizations. A number of patients with curly hair have benefited from undergoing FUE and a number of patients with straight hair can also undergo FUT without serious hassles. Hair thickness, skin laxity along the scalp, and the size of the donor area can also affect the ideal surgical technique to achieve a patient’s goals.

This is why stopping by the practice for a personalized consultation is so important. We would be more than happy to examine your hair and the extent of your hair loss, and develop a custom treatment plan that best meets your needs.

Learn More About Hair Restoration Techniques

To learn more about hair restoration surgery and how to achieve an ideal hairline, be sure to contact the restoration experts of Chicago Hair Institute. We are here to help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals and improve your self-confidence.