Chicago Hair Institute

Candidates for Megasessions: Hair Transplant Surgery Options

Jan 30, 2018 @ 03:15 PM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Hair Restoration Megasessions

Traditional hair restoration surgery usually requires a few sessions to place all of the hair grafts that a patient needs. Advanced in technology and surgical techniques have led to hair transplant megasessions. These procedures place up to 5,000 hair grafts in a single surgery, densely packing these grafts together. By comparison, a traditional surgery places 2,000 grafts tops.

The team at our Chicago, IL hair transplant center knows that a single session surgery is appealing to many patients. Because of that, we want to go over who is a good candidate for megasession treatment.

Patients Need to Be in Good Health

As with all hair restoration procedures, it’s important that patients be in good overall health. They should be able to tolerate a lengthy surgical procedure without any risk to general wellness. Certain medical conditions may mean megasessions are simply not ideal for a patient given the risks that may be involved.

Assessing the Type and Extent of Hair Loss

The extent of a patient’s hair loss will often determine if a megasession is a good option for treatment. Patients with just limited hair loss or diffuse, thinning hair will not be good candidates for a megasession procedure. Only patients with major hair loss with qualify.

Good Hair Coverage in the Donor Area

For ideal results, megasession candidates need to have sufficient hair coverage in the back of the head where the donor hair will come from. When there is not enough hair in the donor area, a megasession will not be a good option. Multiple sessions will need to be scheduled instead.

Proper Laxity of the Scalp

Megasession patients need to have relatively loose skin in the scalp in order to ensure that harvesting of follicles does not impact the results of aesthetics. A tight scalp or tight skin of the scalp generally means not undergoing a megasession for treatment. Multiple sessions would be more advisable.

Patients Do Not Suffer from Clotting or Bleeding Disorders

If a patient has problems with excessive bleeding, difficulty clotting, or other similar issues, a megasession could be a risk to general health and wellness. Again, traditional approaches to hair restoration would be better in these cases since they would pose less of a risk to the patient during the procedure and during the recovery process.

Realistic Expectations About Cost and Recovery

Since megasessions are more involved, patients need to have realistic expectations about the nature of the surgery. This includes the added cost of a megasession and the risks associated with the procedure. By knowing these matters ahead of time, a patient can temper expectations about the process and be more satisfied with the results their surgeon achieves.

Can Women with Hair Thinning Undergo a Megasession?

In general, women are poor candidates for megasession hair transplants. This is simply the nature of female hair loss. Most women who experience hair loss have thinning hair rather than large bald patches. Diffuse thinning of the hair cannot be treated with a megasession. Hair restorations specialists will need to consider other methods of addressing this kind of hair loss.

Contact Chicago Hair Institute

For more information about megasessions and whether or not they are right for you, be sure to contact a hair restoration specialist today. The team at Chicago Hair Institute is here to help you experience the advantages of effective hair transplant surgery.