Chicago Hair Institute

Simple Graft Excisions: Correcting Old Hair Surgery Techniques

Mar 16, 2016 @ 02:58 PM — by
Tagged with: Graft Excisions Hair Plugs Corrective Surgery

When patients visit Dr. Raymond Konior, they know that they are meeting with a leading hair restoration specialist in the Chicago area. He offers some of the finest procedures available today that increase hair density and enhance overall appearance in the process.

In addition to offering advanced hair transplant surgery, Dr. Konior is also offer repair of older techniques for hair restoration. This is especially important to consider for men who got hair plugs years ago but are dissatisfied with the results.

The Problem with Old Hair Plugs

While hair plugs were the standard for hair restoration in the past, they are no longer the most ideal option for people who would like to have a full and natural-looking head of hair.

One of the biggest issues with hair plugs is their appearance. Given the limitations of hair restoration technology and techniques in the past, the plugs were often very visible, with large clusters of hair surrounded by exposed portions of the scalp. Many people have compared poor hair plug results to resembling a doll's hair or a toothbrush.

Correcting Old Hair Restoration Techniques Is Common

Thankfully there are many treatments available to correct the look of old hair plugs and other poorly performed hair restoration procedures of the past. Modern techniques in hair restoration offer more natural results, and in essence, a corrective surgery for hair transplants will involve the application of modern techniques to past procedures.

What Does "Graft Excision" Mean?

Graft excision is a process by which an old, large hair graft such as those used in the plugs of the past is carefully divided into smaller individual units. These can then be repositioned along the scalp to achieve natural and more desirable results.

How the Process Works

Graft excision will involve the precise use of microscopic technology, allowing a hair restoration specialist to assess the large grafts and divide them up without damaging the follicles. The hair restoration specialist can then consider optimal placement of these grafts along the hairline. The even density and proper placement will help ensure that the overall results of the revision procedure look excellent. In essence, it's like undergoing a new hair transplant.

Additional Considerations for Scar Tissue Problems

The plugs themselves are not the only issue to consider when it comes to correcting old hair transplant procedures. Sometimes patients experience problems with scar tissue that can result in major problems with the appearance of the scalp in the donor and recipient sites. Hair restoration specialists can consider the use of cortisone injections and other options to help reduce the prevalence of scar tissue and improve overall appearance in the process.

The Results of Corrective Hair Restoration Are Excellent

The results of graft excision and hair plug correction are often phenomenal. Patients will have a much better looking head of hair, one that grows naturally and looks great as well. No one will be able to see the original plug sites either, which means any traces of that "doll hair" look are a thing of the past.

Contact Chicago Hair Institute

If you would like more information on your many hair restoration options, we encourage you to contact our hair restoration and transplant center today. Dr. Raymond Konior and his team will help you have a full, healthy, and natural head of hair.