Chicago Hair Institute

Pluggy Hairline Correction: Repairing Poor Hair Transplant Results

Mar 4, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Hair Loss Hair Transplants

In the 1980s, when hair transplant technology was more limited, many patients emerged from surgery with a decidedly unnatural, “pluggy” hairline. Unfortunately, many people continue to associate this look with hair restoration to this day. While some inexperienced hair transplant surgeons may produce less-than-natural-looking results, highly trained surgeons such as Dr. Raymond Konior can achieve results that are stunningly natural. Dr. Konior also offers repair of older techniques, including pluggy hairline correction, at his Chicago, IL hair loss clinic.

If you underwent hair transplant surgery with another surgeon and are dissatisfied with your results due to a pluggy hairline, Dr. Konior can help. We invite you to schedule your initial consultation with our renowned hair transplant surgeon at Chicago Hair Institute today.

Why Do Pluggy Hairlines Occur?

When we refer to a “pluggy” hairline, we are referring to a hairline afflicted by hair that has conspicuously transplanted from another part of the scalp due to the size of the grafts used. The grafts appear as isolated clumps, similar to those on a doll’s head. The result, especially on close inspection, is an unnatural hairline.

This was a fairly typical result in the 1980s, before the development of more refined techniques, especially among patients who had experienced profound hair loss. It is rare to achieve such results today; however, some surgeons without much experience or without training in the latest hair restoration techniques may still create pluggy hairlines.

How Can Pluggy Hairlines Be Corrected?

Dr. Konior can repair the pluggy hairline by:

During your initial consultation with Dr. Konior, he will evaluate your case and recommend the technique he feels is most likely to produce the best possible result.

If you decide to undergo further hair transplant surgery in addition to excision of the offending grafts, Dr. Konior will explain your options to you in detail so that you can make the most confident and informed decision regarding how to proceed. It is important to stage the excision/transplantation cycle strategically and plan it meticulously to ensure patient satisfaction and avoid even more unnatural results.

If you are considering undergoing hair transplant surgery for the first time, then please let this blog post be something of a cautionary tale. It is far better to entrust your hair transplant surgery to a skilled and experienced surgeon with a history of producing consistently outstanding results for his patients than to attempt to save money by turning to a less experienced surgeon and risk needing hairline correction down the road.

Learn More about Pluggy Hairline Correction

To learn more about pluggy hairline correction, please contact Chicago Hair Institute today.