Chicago Hair Institute

Females and Age-related Hair Loss

Dec 4, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Hair Loss Hair Transplants

Although many people think of hair loss as predominantly a male problem, women’s hair loss is an issue that is gaining an increasing amount of the public spotlight. This is hardly surprising when one considers that about 40 percent of all women experience at least some hair loss by the time they reach the age of 50, and less than half of all women who reach the age of 80 do so with their hair intact.

Female age-related hair loss can take one of a few possible forms. The majority of women who experience diffuse or progressive hair loss patterns will not be good candidates for surgical hair restoration. A select few will; however, meticulous screening is necessary to prevent unnecessary surgery and optimize the benefits of non-surgical hair restoration therapies.

Fortunately, when it comes to females and age-related hair loss involving hairline recession, our Chicago, IL hair surgeon may recommend a surgical solution. These patients often respond well to hair transplant surgery.

About Age-related Hair Loss in Women

Many people associate hair loss in women with menopause, and it is true that menopause and its accompanying hormonal changes can accelerate the hair loss process. However, the changes that occur in a woman’s hair begin long before menopause. Generally, hair becomes drier, less elastic, and more prone to breakage. Part of this may be attributable to factors such as poor diet, the use of chemical products, and exposure to harsh environments, but much of it can be attributed to the simple passage of time. Put bluntly, no one can expect to have the same quality of hair at the age of 40 as they had at the age of 20. And that makes it hard to defend against the hormonal attacks that accompany menopause.

Estrogen and Androgens

When a woman reaches menopausal age, her estrogen levels decrease and her androgens increase. The decrease in her estrogen levels affects hair in that it causes her hair’s growth cycle to shorten. Estrogen is responsible for keeping hair in the growing phase. Many women find that, once they reach their fifties, they are no longer able to grow their hair as long as they once were. This is why. Their hair simply sheds before it grows as long as it once was able to.

Conversely, androgens are hormones found in greater numbers in males. Increased androgen levels can cause women to grow additional facial and body hair, as well as thinner hair on the scalp. While androgens generally won’t cause hair loss, they can create the appearance of hair thinning. When hairs are shed, they may be replaced by thinner, weaker, less visible hairs.

Are you a candidate for hair restoration surgery?

If you are suffering from female hair loss due to aging, you may be a good candidate for hair restoration surgery, or you may be better suited to a non-surgical hair replacement treatment. To find out, we invite you to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Raymond J. Konior at Chicago Hair Institute today.