Chicago Hair Institute

The Causes of Female Hair Loss

Feb 19, 2015 @ 10:46 AM — by Dr. Raymond Konior
Tagged with: Female Hair Loss

At the Chicago Hair Institute, we have helped countless patients address hair loss of various kinds, allowing them to have a beautiful and natural head of hair again. The majority of the time we tend to address male hair loss needs, but our team also offers treatment for women's hair loss, addressing the causes as well as the symptoms. We'd like to take a moment right now to consider some of the most common causes of female hair loss.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium is a type of scalp disorder that occurs when a person experiences a great deal of psychological, emotion, or physiological stress. Hair will change in its phases faster, leading to accelerated shedding of the hair. Some of the most common causes of telogen effluvium include pregnancy, childbirth, major weight loss, surgical procedures, and severe stress or anxiety.


Thyroid hormone is responsible for regulating mood, the heart rate, and metabolism. When the body produces too little of this hormone, the condition is known as hypothyroidism (too much thyroid hormone is known as hyperthyroidism). Hypothyroidism leads to a number of different conditions, among which is thinness or brittleness to the hair, making hair loss more likely.

Iron Deficiency/Anemia

Anemia and iron deficiency have been known to cause hair loss in women as well as fatigue, headaches, and excessively pale skin. If you suffer from anemia, it's a good idea to meet with your general practitioner or dietician to learn what you can to to improve your diet as well as any recommended supplements to take.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a type of hormonal imbalance that women experience. The condition often causes cysts to form on a woman's ovaries. Other symptoms include thinning hair on the scalp, the growth of additional body hair and facial hair, and irregular periods.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a type of autoimmune disorder in which a person's hair follicles come under attack by their own immune system. Both men and women can experience this condition. While the exact cause of alopecia areata unknown, it is thought to be related to intense stress or major illnesses.

Hereditary Hair Loss

Also known as androgenetic alopecia, genetic hair loss is the most common form of hair loss. In women, the thinning pattern is different than in men. Many times the hair loss will begin behind the bangs in women, and might start as early as a woman's early 20s.

Excessive Styling and Certain Haristyles

While caring for your hair and scalp is good, too much of a good thing can actually lead to hair loss. This means too much brushing, shampooing, dying, and styling. The same goes for hairstyles in which a great amount of tension or pull is placed on the scalp.

Injuries and Trauma

Injuries to the scalp of various kinds can lead to hair loss as well as problems with hair regrowth. This is another cause that obviously affects both women and men.

Speak with Dr. Raymond Konior

If you would like to learn more about female hair loss and your options for effective treatment, it's important that you contact our hair restoration and transplantation center today. The team at Chicago Hair Institute will be sure to go over all of your options for treatment in greater detail so that you can restore the fullness of your hair and overall appearance.