Chicago Hair Institute

Does Follicular Unit Extraction Leave Scars?

Oct 18, 2014 @ 10:16 AM — by
Tagged with: Follicular Unit Extraction Side Effects Scarring

The team at Chicago Hair Institute has been able to achieve excellent results when it comes to hair restoration. Patients can get a full and healthy head of hair thanks to surgeries such as follicular unit extraction (FUE), an advanced hair restoration surgery with a reliable record for good results.

Patients interested in FUE often wonder about post-surgical scarring. We'd like to go over this matter right now do you understand why FUE is so popular and effective.

How Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Works

To understand the nature of scarring after follicular unit extraction (FUE), it's important to know the basics of the surgery first.

FUE is also known as follicular transfer (FT). FUE involves the harvesting of individual follicular units, which are small groups of 1 to 4 hairs. These are taken in small circular sections from the donor area (usually the back of the head), roughly the size of a pin point.

The follicular units are transferred to the bald and thinning portions at the front of the scalp in order to create a new and fuller hairline that grows naturally and looks great.

Scarring Located in the Back of the Head

Scarring from follicular unit extraction (FUE) will occur, though predominantly in the donor area. This usually is the back of the head for most patients.

The Size of the Scars On the Back of the Head

Because the follicular units are small, the scarring is also very minute. Small dots of scars will be clustered around the back of the head, though they will be difficult to notice and should fade with time with proper healing. Many people will not even notice the scars unless they know what he or she is looking for.

Hair Growth Will Conceal Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Scars

Since the donor area is located in the back of the head where hair will regrow naturally, scarring from follicular unit extraction (FUE) is well-concealed by the growth of hair in that area. The hair will grow back with the same density, meaning a very natural appearance.

What if I cut my hair very short in the back?

You can shave your hair in the back where the donor area is located, and the hair can be rather short. So long as the hair is not too short (e.g., shaved to stubble with an electric razor), you should still be able to conceal the small scars in the donor area.

How does follicular unit extraction (FUE) scarring compare to other hair transplant methods?

The scarring from follicular unite extraction (FUE) tends to be less noticeable than other methods, particularly the strip harvesting options of the past.

With strip harvesting, there was generally a long horizontal scar along the donor area. While regrowing the hair conceals this scar, it was potentially noticeable when strip harvesting patients had shorter hairrcuts.

FUE's smaller scars and greater ability for these scars to remain hidden make it a much preferred option for hair restoration.

Learn More About the Latest Options for Hair Transplantation

To learn more about you many options for hair restoration treatment and how you can have a full head of hair again, be sure to contact our hair restoration center today. The team here at Chicago Hair Institute look forward to your visit and helping you get a healthy, full head of hair.